What is soaker strap and how does it work?
-soakerstrap are the worlds most advanced water blasters that are electrical and beat all the competition!
How much does Soakerstrap cost?
We at Soakerstrap provide the cheapest prices then all the other companies so you get the best bang for your buck!
In what countries can I buy soakerstrap?
We provide shipping to most countries please try checking out to see if your country is covered with our shipping!
Which languages does Soakerstrap support?
- we are primarily English but you could change languages on our website!
How does your Soakerstrap differ from the others?
- our soakers are made with top tier quality that provides excellent shooting power and distance out beating all the competition
How can I be notified about the latest promotions, new arrivals, or any ongoing sales?
_ We post discount codes on our social media pages! @soakerstap
How can I get assistance if I need it?
- You can contact us @ soakerstrap@gmail.com